– Common Function Library Project

wrap(str[, maxline][, br][, breaklongwords])

Last updated August 19, 2003


Dave Pomerance

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

The function loops through the supplied string using new lines as a delimeter. It then inserts the supplied break character(s) in place of the space located closest but before the supplied wrap count. You may also specify whether the function should break words longer than the wrap count (urls, for example).

Return Values:
Returns a string.


Because our server runs CF MX 6.1, this example can not be executed due to a naming conflict with the new wrap() function built in to CF MX 6.1.


Name Description Required
str The string to format. Yes
maxline Length of each line, defaults to 40. No
br The newline string. Defaults to <br>. No
breaklongwords Boolean to break words longer than maxline. Defaults to true. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Wraps a chunk of text at a given character count.
 * Note that this function needs to be renamed if you are going to use it on a CF MX 6.1 server since 6.1 now has a native wrap() function (that serves a different purpose).
 * @param str      The string to format. (Required)
 * @param maxline      Length of each line, defaults to 40. (Optional)
 * @param br      The newline string. Defaults to &lt;br&gt;. (Optional)
 * @param breaklongwords      Boolean to break words longer than maxline. Defaults to true. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Dave Pomerance ( 
 * @version 2, August 19, 2003 
function Wrap(str) {
    var maxline = 40;
    var br = "<br>";
    var breaklongwords = 1;
    var filetype = "pc";
    var eol = chr(13) & chr(10);
    var lineofstr = "";
    var returnstr = "";
    var pos = "";

    //check optional args
    if(ArrayLen(arguments) eq 2) {
        maxline = arguments[2];
    else if(ArrayLen(arguments) eq 3) {
        maxline = arguments[2];
        br = arguments[3];
    else if(ArrayLen(arguments) eq 4) {
        maxline = arguments[2];
        br = arguments[3];
        breaklongwords = arguments[4];

    // determine file type
    if (find(chr(10), str)) {
        if (find(chr(13), str)) {
            filetype = "pc";
            eol = chr(13) & chr(10);
        } else {
            filetype = "unix";
            eol = chr(10);
    } else if (find(chr(13), str)) {
        filetype = "mac";
        eol = chr(13);

    // add space due to CF "feature" of ignoring list elements of length 0
    str = replace(str, eol, " #chr(13)#", "ALL") & " ";
    for (i=1; i lte listlen(str, chr(13)); i=i+1) {
        lineofstr = listgetat(str, i, chr(13));
        if (lineofstr eq " ") {
            returnstr = returnstr & br;
            lineofstr = "";
        } else {
            // remove the space
            lineofstr = left(lineofstr, len(lineofstr)-1);
        while (len(lineofstr) gt 0) {
            // determine wrap point
            if (len(lineofstr) lte maxline) pos = len(lineofstr);
            else {
                pos = maxline - find(" ", reverse(left(lineofstr, maxline))) + 1;
                if (pos gt maxline) {
                    if (breaklongwords) pos = maxline;
                    else {
                        pos = find(" ", lineofstr, 1);
                        if (pos eq 0) pos = len(lineofstr);
            // add line to returnstr
            returnstr = returnstr & left(lineofstr, pos) & br;
            // remove line from lineofstr
            lineofstr = removechars(lineofstr, 1, pos);

    return returnstr;


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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson