– Common Function Library Project

secsToTime(seconds, format)

Last updated October 19, 2004


Kevin Miller

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DateLib

Pass in a number of seconds as input and return a more 'formal', formatted string representation of that duration (weeks/days/hours/mins/secs).

Return Values:
Returns a string.




Name Description Required
seconds The number of seconds. Yes
format Either l, m, s, for long, medium, or short. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Takes number of seconds as input and returns a formatted string representation of that duration (weeks/days/hours/mins/secs).
 * @param seconds      The number of seconds. (Required)
 * @param format      Either l, m, s, for long, medium, or short. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Kevin Miller ( 
 * @version 1, October 19, 2004 
function secsToTime(seconds,format) {
    var output = "";
    var timeval_w = "";
    var remaining_time = "";
    var t_w = "";
    var timeval_d = "";
    var t_d = "";
    var timeval_h = "";
    var t_h = "";
    var timeval_m = "";
    var t_m = "";
    var timeval_s = "";
    var t_s = "";
    var f_w = "";
    var f_d = "";
    var f_h = "";
    var f_m = "";
    var f_s = "";
    // handle very small times 
    if(arguments.seconds lt 1) {
        return "<1 sec";

    // handle format syntax
    arguments.format = left(arguments.format,1);

    // weeks
    timeval_w = arguments.seconds/604800;
        if(timeval_w gte 1) {
                timeval_w = int(timeval_w); t_w = "#timeval_w#";
                remaining_time = arguments.seconds - (timeval_w * 604800); }
        else {
                remaining_time = arguments.seconds;
                t_w = ""; }
    // days
    timeval_d = remaining_time/86400;
        if(timeval_d gte 1) {
                timeval_d = int(timeval_d); t_d = "#timeval_d#";
                remaining_time = remaining_time - (timeval_d * 86400); }
        else {
                t_d = ""; }
    // hours
    timeval_h = remaining_time/3600;
        if(timeval_h gte 1) {
                timeval_h = int(timeval_h); t_h = "#timeval_h#";
                remaining_time = remaining_time - (timeval_h * 3600); }
        else {
                t_h = ""; }
    // minutes
        timeval_m = remaining_time/60;
            if(timeval_m gte 1) {
                timeval_m = int(timeval_m); t_m = "#timeval_m#";
                remaining_time = remaining_time - (timeval_m * 60); }
            else {
                t_m = ""; }
    // seconds
        timeval_s = remaining_time; 
            if(timeval_s gt 0) {
                t_s = "#round(timeval_s)#"; }
            else {
                t_s = ""; }

    switch (arguments.format) { 
        case "l": 
            f_w = "week"; f_d = "day"; f_h = "hour"; f_m = "minute"; f_s = "second";
        case "m":
            f_w = "wk"; f_d = "dy"; f_h = "hr"; f_m = "min"; f_s = "sec";
        case "s":
            f_w = "w"; f_d = "d"; f_h = "h"; f_m = "m"; f_s = "s";
            f_w = "week"; f_d = "day"; f_h = "hour"; f_m = "minute"; f_s = "second";
    if(val(t_w)) {
        output = output & " #t_w# #f_w#";
        if((val(t_w) neq 1) and not listfindnocase("short,s",arguments.format)) output = output & "s"; 
    if(val(t_d)) {
        output = output & " #t_d# #f_d#";
        if((val(t_d) neq 1) and not listfindnocase("short,s",arguments.format)) output = output & "s";
    if(val(t_h)) {
        output = output & " #t_h# #f_h#";
        if((val(t_h) neq 1) and not listfindnocase("short,s",arguments.format)) output = output & "s"; 
    if(val(t_m)) {
        output = output & " #t_m# #f_m#";
        if((val(t_m) neq 1) and not listfindnocase("short,s",arguments.format)) output = output & "s"; 
    if(val(t_s)) {
        output = output & " #t_s# #f_s#";
        if((val(t_s) neq 1) and not listfindnocase("short,s",arguments.format)) output = output & "s";  

    return output;



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April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson