– Common Function Library Project

saTOss(struct, theKey[, cols])

Last updated June 12, 2003


Casey Broich

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DataManipulationLib

Converts a structure of arrays into a name/key style structure. For example, if the structure contains three keys, each arrays, named age, ID, and name, you can ask this UDF to return a new structure where the keys are based on ID. Each item in the ID array will be a key of the new struct. Each key will be a struct containing each of the keys from the previous structure, along with the corresponding data. In other words,[X] will equal newStruct[id].name. Optional param to specify which columns each keyed structure will contain.

Return Values:
Returns a structure.


mystruct = structnew();
mystruct.ID = listtoarray("400,100,500");
mystruct.Name = listtoarray("Joe,John,Jake");
mystruct.Age = listtoarray("35,25,29");
<cfset myStruct = saTOss(mystruct,"ID")>
<cfdump var="#myStruct#">


Name Description Required
struct Structure to convert. Yes
theKey Struct key used to define new struct. Yes
cols Keys to include in new structure. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Converts a structure of arrays into a name/key style structure.
 * @param struct      Structure to convert. (Required)
 * @param theKey      Struct key used to define new struct. (Required)
 * @param cols      Keys to include in new structure. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a structure. 
 * @author Casey Broich ( 
 * @version 1, June 12, 2003 
function saTOss(struct,thekey){
    var x = "";
    var i = ""; 
    var ii = ""; 
    var new = structnew();
    var cols = structkeyarray(Struct); 

    if(arrayLen(arguments) GT 2) cols = listToArray(arguments[3]);
    for(i = 1; i lte arraylen(Struct[thekey]); i = i + 1){
        new[Struct[thekey][i]] = structnew();
        for(ii = 1; ii lte arraylen(cols); ii = ii + 1){
            new[Struct[thekey][i]][cols[ii]] = Struct[cols[ii]][i];
    return new;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson