– Common Function Library Project


Last updated November 14, 2007


Scott Bennett

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Removes All HTML from a string, Removing tags, script blocks, style blocks, Head blocks, and replaces common special character code with text equivalents.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<cfsavecontent variable="htmlstring">
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

    <title>My Title should be removed</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
// Script block will be removed
function myfunction(){
    alert("this is my function");
<style type="text/css">
    body, p, td, li, form  { font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: #000000;
                            margin-top: 0px }
<div align="center">
<!-- HtML comments should be removed-->
<p>This is the body of my page it should show up fine. </p><br>
<b><i>This sentance should not be bold or italic</i></b> These special characters should be replaced
<table><tr><td>There should be no table here</td></tr></table>


Name Description Required
source String to format. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Removes All HTML from a string removing tags, script blocks, style blocks, and replacing special character code.
 * @param source      String to format. (Required)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Scott Bennett ( 
 * @version 1, November 14, 2007 
function removeHTML(source){
    // Remove all spaces becuase browsers ignore them
    var result = ReReplace(trim(source), "[[:space:]]{2,}", " ","ALL");
    // Remove the header
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*head.*?>.*?</head>","", "ALL");
    // remove all scripts
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*script.*?>.*?</script>","", "ALL");
    // remove all styles
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*style.*?>.*?</style>","", "ALL");
    // insert tabs in spaces of <td> tags
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*td.*?>","    ", "ALL");
    // insert line breaks in places of <BR> and <LI> tags
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*br[[:space:]]*>",chr(13), "ALL");
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*li[[:space:]]*>",chr(13), "ALL");
    // insert line paragraphs (double line breaks) in place
    // if <P>, <DIV> and <TR> tags
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*div.*?>",chr(13), "ALL");
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*tr.*?>",chr(13), "ALL");
    result = ReReplace(result, "<[[:space:]]*p.*?>",chr(13), "ALL");
    // Remove remaining tags like <a>, links, images,
    // comments etc - anything thats enclosed inside < >
    result = ReReplace(result, "<.*?>","", "ALL");
    // replace special characters:
    result = ReReplace(result, "&nbsp;"," ", "ALL");
    result = ReReplace(result, "&bull;"," * ", "ALL");    
    result = ReReplace(result, "&lsaquo;","<", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&rsaquo;",">", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&trade;","(tm)", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&frasl;","/", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&lt;","<", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&gt;",">", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&copy;","(c)", "ALL");        
    result = ReReplace(result, "&reg;","(r)", "ALL");    
    // Remove all others. More special character conversions
    // can be added above if needed
    result = ReReplace(result, "&(.{2,6});", "", "ALL");    
    // Thats it.
    return result;



Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson