– Common Function Library Project

maketree(query, unique, parent)

Last updated February 17, 2005


Qasim Rasheed

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DataManipulationLib

This function will take a query that is in a LEGAL parent/child relationship and sort it. The entire query will be sorted and an additional field called "sortlevel" will be added to specify the level of a particular item.

Return Values:
Returns a query.


    q = querynew( 'id,text,parent' );
    queryaddrow( q );
    querysetcell( q, 'id', 1 );
    querysetcell( q, 'text', 'One' );
    querysetcell( q, 'parent', 0 );
    queryaddrow( q );
    querysetcell( q, 'id', 2 );
    querysetcell( q, 'text', 'Two' );
    querysetcell( q, 'parent', 1 );
    queryaddrow( q );
    querysetcell( q, 'id', 3 );
    querysetcell( q, 'text', 'Three' );
    querysetcell( q, 'parent', 0 );
<cfset temp = maketree( q, 'id', 'parent' )>
<cfdump var="#temp#">


Name Description Required
query Query to be sorted. Yes
unique Name of the column containing the primary key. Yes
parent Name of the column containing the parent. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * This function is a UDF for maketree custom tag developed by Michael Dinowitz.
 * @param query      Query to be sorted. (Required)
 * @param unique      Name of the column containing the primary key. (Required)
 * @param parent      Name of the column containing the parent. (Required)
 * @return Returns a query. 
 * @author Qasim Rasheed ( 
 * @version 1, February 17, 2005 
function maketree( query, unique, parent ){
    var current = 0;
    var path = 0;
    var i = 0;
    var j = 0;
    var items = "";
    var parents = "";
    var position = "";
    var column = "";
    var retQuery = querynew( query.columnlist & ',sortlevel' );
    for (i=1;i lte query.recordcount;i=i+1)
        items = listappend( items, query[unique][i] );
    for (i=1;i lte query.recordcount;i=i+1)
        parents = listappend( parents, query[parent][i] );
    for (i=1;i lte query.recordcount;i=i+1){
        queryaddrow( retQuery );
        position = listfind( parents, current );
        while (not position){
            path= listrest( path );
            current = listfirst( path );
            position = listfind( parents, current );
        for (j=1;j lte listlen( query.columnlist ); j=j+1){
            column = listgetat( query.columnlist, j );
            querysetcell( retQuery, column, evaluate( 'query.'&column&'[position]') );
        querysetcell( retQuery, 'sortlevel', listlen( path ) );
        current = listgetat( items, position );
        parents = listsetat( parents, position, '-' );
        path = listprepend( path, current);
    return retQuery;


Latest Additions

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April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson