– Common Function Library Project

isDefinedValue(varname[, value])

Last updated October 30, 2013


Joseph Flanigan

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DataManipulationLib

Checks that a variable is defined and that the variable is not an empty value. Optionally allows you to specify the "correct" value of the variable. Use like isDefined function to confirm the variable has a value that is not empty. For a variable name: - if defined and has value returns true - if not defined returns false - if is defined and has empty value returns false varname is a string value like isDefined. Checks arrays, structures, queries and simple variables. A checked value must be a simple value. A "" value will return false Usage Notes. 1) Array indexes, like myArray[1]. are checked by first removing the index to confirm the array is defined, then checks the indexed location for a simple value. If the index is missing or bogus, the function throws an error. 2) Query record set results, like qGetEmployees.FirstName, check the first record?s value, not the entire record set. 3) Queries results with a zero record count return false. Simple Example: <cfparam name="url.test" type="boolean" default="1"> isDefinedValue("url.test") returns 1 <cfparam name="url.test" type="string" default=""> isDefinedValue("url.test") returns 0

Return Values:
boolean - 1 or 0


<cfset = structnew()>
<cfset MyNewArray[1] = "test"> 
<cfset MyNewArray[2] = ""> 
<CFPARAM name = "" DEFAULT = "">
<CFPARAM name = "simplevalue" DEFAULT = "#Now()#">
<cfparam name="" default="">
 <cfparam name="url.test" type="boolean" default="1">
     <cfoutput>#isDefinedValue("url.test")# </cfoutput>

<br><br> simplevalue
<cfif isDefinedValue("simplevalue")>
  <br> happy <cfdump var="#simplevalue#"> 
 <br> no joy simplevalue

 <cfif isDefinedValue("")>
  <br> happy <cfdump var=""> 
  <br> no joy Structure Key

<cfif isDefined("" )>
 <br>happy  <cfdump var=""> 
  <br> no joy Structure

<br><br> MyNewArray [1]
<cfif isDefinedValue("MyNewArray[1]")>
 <br> happy <cfdump var="#MyNewArray#">

  <br> no joy MyNewArray

<br><br> MyNewArray [2]
<cfif isDefinedValue("MyNewArray[2]")>
 <br> happy <cfdump var="#MyNewArray#">
  <br> no joy MyNewArray

<cfif isDefinedValue("")>
 <br> happy <cfdump var="">
  <br> no joy
<!--- make a query on the snippets datasource --->
<br><br> With No Query
<cfif IsDefinedValue("qGetEmployees")> 
   <br> <cfdump var="#qGetEmployees#"> 
  <br> no joy qGetEmployees

<br><br> With Results Query
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#expandPath("/WEB-INF/debug/")#" name="getFiles">

<cfdump var="#getFiles#">

<br><br> With Results Query<br>
<cfif IsDefinedValue("getFiles")> 
   Yes, the query exists and is not empty

<br><br> With Results Query on field
<cfif IsDefinedValue("getFiles.size")> 
   <br> Yes, the field "size" is defined in the query "getFiles"

<br><br> With No Results Query
<cfquery name = "getFilesFiltered" dbType="query">
    SELECT *
    FROM getFiles
    WHERE name = 'IDoNotExist'

<cfif NOT IsDefinedValue("getFilesFiltered")> 
   <br> No, this query is empty


Name Description Required
varname Name of the variable to check for Yes
value The value a simple variable should be to pass the test (optional) No

Full UDF Source:

 * Checks that a variable is defined and  that the variable  is not an empty value.  Optionally lets you check that the variable is a specific value.
 * See also: isEmpty() --
 * @param varname      Name of the variable to check for (Required)
 * @param value      The value a simple variable should be to pass the test (optional) (Optional)
 * @return boolean - 1 or 0 
 * @author Joseph Flanigan ( 
 * @version 1, October 30, 2013 
function isDefinedValue(varname)
  var value = "";
    if (IsDefined(listfirst(Arguments[1],"[")))
     value = evaluate(Arguments[1]);
     if (IsSimpleValue(value))
            if (ArrayLen(Arguments) EQ 2 )
                { if ( value EQ Arguments[2]){return 1;}
                else return 0; 
            else if ( find(value,"" )) {return 0;}  
            else return 1;  // something is there, just not testing for it.
     else if (IsStruct(value))
            if (StructIsEmpty(value)) { return 0;} 
            else {return 1;}
     else if (IsArray(value))
            if (ArrayIsEmpty(value)) {return 0;} 
            else {return 1;}
     else if (IsQuery(value))
            if (YesNoFormat(value.recordcount)) {return 1;} 
            else {return 0;}
    return 0;
return 0;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson