– Common Function Library Project


Last updated April 30, 2003


Paul Kenney

Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: UtilityLib

This function returns a string that contains the CFML implementation code for a specified user-defined function. This will find functions in both cfscript and cffunction tags. If the function cannot be found or it's template is encrypted, then this will return an empty string.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<textarea cols=50 rows=20>


Name Description Required
UDFunction The UDF. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 This will return the CFML code for a given user-defined function.
 @param UDFunction      The UDF. (Required)
 @return Returns a string. 
 @author Paul Kenney ( 
 @version 1, April 30, 2003 
<cffunction name="getFunctionCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This function returns the CFML source code for a UDF.">
    <cfargument name="UDFunction" type="any" required="true" hint="This is a UDF."/>
    <!---  --->
    <cfset var EncryptedFileHeader = "Allaire Cold Fusion Template" & Chr(10) & "Header Size: New Version">
    <cfset var filename = "">
    <cfset var funcname = "">
    <cfset var filecontents = "">
    <cfset var results = StructNew()>
    <cfset var parts = StructNew()>
    <cfset var length = StructNew()>
    <cfset var startIndex = 1>
    <cfset var scriptIndex = 1>
    <cfset var counter = 0>
    <cfset var i = 0>
    <cfset var ret = "">
    <cfset results["start"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset results["end"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset results["funcname"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset results["cfscript"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset results["cfscript"]["start"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset results["cfscript"]["end"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset results["function"] = StructNew()>
    <cfset parts["opentag"] = "">
    <cfset parts["cfsript"] = "">
    <cfset length["file"] = 0>
    <cfset length["cfscript"] = 0>
    <cfset length["cffunction"] = 0>
    <cfif IsCustomFunction(Arguments.UDFunction)>
        <cfset filename = Arguments.UDFunction.PagePath>
        <cfset funcname = Arguments.UDFunction.Metadata.Name>
        <cfif FileExists(filename)>
                <cffile action="read" file="#filename#" variable="filecontents"/>
                <cfif NOT Compare(Left(filecontents, 53), EncryptedFileHeader)>
                    <!--- This is an encrypted template file.  Cannot read the code. --->
                    <!--- Do nothing. --->
                    <cfset length.file = Len(filecontents)>
                    <cfset startIndex = 1>
                    <!--- Search for the function in any <cffunction> tags (CFMX) --->        
                    <cfloop condition="startIndex LT length.file">
                        <cfset results.start = REFindNoCase("<" & "cffunction[^>]+>", filecontents, startIndex, true)>
                        <cfif results.start.pos[1]>
                            <cfset parts.opentag = Mid(filecontents, results.start.pos[1], results.start.len[1])>
                            <cfset results.funcname = REFindNoCase("[ ]+name[ ]*=[ ]*""#funcname#""", parts.opentag, 1, true)>
                            <cfset results.end = REFindNoCase("<" & "/cffunction>", filecontents, results.start.pos[1] + results.start.len[1], true)>
                            <cfif results.funcname.pos[1]>
                                <cfif results.end.pos[1]>
                                    <!--- Found the function. --->
                                    <cfset length.cffunction = results.end.pos[1] + results.end.len[1] - results.start.pos[1]>
                                    <cfset ret = Mid(filecontents, results.start.pos[1], length.cffunction)>
                                    <!--- Could not find the end tag. --->
                                <cfif results.end.pos[1]>
                                    <cfset startIndex = results.end.pos[1] + results.end.len[1]>
                                    <cfset startIndex = results.start.pos[1] + 1>
                            <!--- Could not find a function that is written using <cffunction> --->
                    <!--- Search for the function in CF Script code (CF 5+). --->
                    <cfif NOT Len(ret)>
                        <cfset startIndex = 1>
                        <cfset scriptIndex = 1>
                        <!--- Iterate over all of the <cfscript> blocks in this file. --->
                        <cfloop condition="startIndex LT length.file">
                            <cfset results.cfscript.start = REFindNoCase("<cfscript>", filecontents, startIndex, true)>
                            <cfif results.cfscript.start.pos[1]>
                                <cfset results.cfscript.end = REFindNoCase("</cfscript>", filecontents, results.cfscript.start.pos[1] + results.cfscript.start.len[1], true)>
                                <cfif results.cfscript.end.pos[1]>
                                    <cfset length.cfscript = results.cfscript.end.pos[1] + results.cfscript.end.len[1] - results.cfscript.start.pos[1]>
                                    <cfset parts.cfscript = Mid(filecontents, results.cfscript.start.pos[1], length.cfscript)>
                                    <!--- Iterate all the functoins in the current <cfscript> block. --->
                                    <cfset results.function = REFindNoCase("function[ ]+#funcname#[ ]*\([^\)]*\)", parts.cfscript, scriptIndex, true)>
                                    <cfif results.function.pos[1]>
                                        <cfset scriptIndex = Find("{", parts.cfscript, results.function.pos[1])> 
                                        <cfset counter = 0>
                                        <cfloop index="i" from="#scriptIndex#" to="#length.cfscript#">
                                            <cfset parts.char = Mid(parts.cfscript, i, 1)>
                                            <cfif ListFindNoCase("{,}", parts.char, ",")>
                                                <cfif NOT Compare(parts.char, "{")>
                                                    <cfset counter = counter + 1>
                                                <cfelseif NOT Compare(parts.char, "}")>
                                                    <cfset counter = counter - 1>
                                            <cfif counter IS 0>
                                                <cfset ret = Mid(parts.cfscript, results.function.pos[1], i - results.function.pos[1] + 1)>
                                        <cfset startIndex = results.cfscript.end.pos[1] + results.cfscript.end.len[1]>
                                    <!--- Could not find closing <cfscript> tag. --->
                                <!--- Could not find any <cfscript> blocks. --->
                <cfcatch type="any">
                    <!--- There was some error, so just return an empty string. --->
                    <cfset ret = "">

    <cfreturn ret/>


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson