cacheCreate(name[, maxElementsInMemory][, maxElementsOnDisk][, memoryStoreEvictionPolicy][, clearOnFlush][, eternal][, timeToIdleSeconds][, timeToLiveSeconds][, overflowToDisk][, diskPersistent][, diskSpoolBufferSizeMB][, diskAccessStripes][, diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds])
Last updated June 22, 2011
Version: 1 | Requires: CF9 | Library: DataManipulationLib
I create a new user defined cache region in Ehcache. This function allows you to also configure the attributes for the custom cache, something you would normally have to hard code in the ehcache.xml file if you rely on ColdFusion's built in caching functions. I named the function cacheCreate() and not cacheNew() in the hopes that a future version of ColdFusion includes a cacheNew() function with similar functionality.
Return Values:
Returns nothing.
<!--- let's build a struct of arguments. It's much easier to pass this way --->
<cfset myProps = structNew()>
<cfset = "myCustomCache">
<cfset myProps.maxElementsInMemory = 10>
<cfset myProps.maxElementsOnDisk = 10>
<cfset myProps.memoryStoreEvictionPolicy = "FIFO">
<cfset myProps.clearOnFlush = true>
<cfset myProps.eternal = false>
<cfset myProps.timeToIdleSeconds = 86400>
<cfset myProps.timeToLiveSeconds = 86400>
<cfset myProps.overflowToDisk = false>
<cfset myProps.diskPersistent = true>
<cfset myProps.diskSpoolBufferSizeMB = 30>
<cfset myProps.diskAccessStripes = 1>
<cfset myProps.diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 120>
<!--- create the new custom cache region --->
<cfset cacheCreate(argumentCollection=myProps)>
<!--- prove that it's there the CF way --->
<cfdump var="#cacheGetSession('myCustomCache', 'true').getCacheManager().getCacheNames()#">
Name | Description | Required |
name | Name of the cache. | Yes |
maxElementsInMemory | Defines max elements in memory. Defaults to 10000. | No |
maxElementsOnDisk | Defines max elements on disk. Defaults to 10000000. | No |
memoryStoreEvictionPolicy | Eviction policy for the cache. Defaults to LRU. | No |
clearOnFlush | Boolean for cache flushing. Defaults to true. | No |
eternal | Boolean for eternal setting. Defaults to false. | No |
timeToIdleSeconds | Time to idle seconds setting. Defaults to 86400 | No |
timeToLiveSeconds | Time to live seconds setting. Defaults to 86400 | No |
overflowToDisk | Boolean for overflow to disk setting. Defaults to false. | No |
diskPersistent | Disk persistence setting. Defaults to false. | No |
diskSpoolBufferSizeMB | Disk spool buffer size setting. Defaults to 30. | No |
diskAccessStripes | Disk access stripes setting. Defaults to 1. | No |
diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds | Disk expiry thread interval seconds setting. Defaults to 120. | No |
Full UDF Source:
I create a new user defined cache region in Ehcache with customizable parameters.
@param name Name of the cache. (Required)
@param maxElementsInMemory Defines max elements in memory. Defaults to 10000. (Optional)
@param maxElementsOnDisk Defines max elements on disk. Defaults to 10000000. (Optional)
@param memoryStoreEvictionPolicy Eviction policy for the cache. Defaults to LRU. (Optional)
@param clearOnFlush Boolean for cache flushing. Defaults to true. (Optional)
@param eternal Boolean for eternal setting. Defaults to false. (Optional)
@param timeToIdleSeconds Time to idle seconds setting. Defaults to 86400 (Optional)
@param timeToLiveSeconds Time to live seconds setting. Defaults to 86400 (Optional)
@param overflowToDisk Boolean for overflow to disk setting. Defaults to false. (Optional)
@param diskPersistent Disk persistence setting. Defaults to false. (Optional)
@param diskSpoolBufferSizeMB Disk spool buffer size setting. Defaults to 30. (Optional)
@param diskAccessStripes Disk access stripes setting. Defaults to 1. (Optional)
@param diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds Disk expiry thread interval seconds setting. Defaults to 120. (Optional)
@return Returns nothing.
@author Rob Brooks-Bilson (
@version 1, June 22, 2011
<cffunction name="cacheCreate" output="false" returntype="void"
hint="I create a new user defined cache region in Ehcache"
description="I create a new user defined cache region in Ehcache. This function
allows you to also configure the attributes for the custom cache,
something you would normally have to hard code in the ehcache.xml
file if you rely on ColdFusion's built in caching functions. I named
the function cacheCreate() and not cacheNew() in the hopes that a
future version of ColdFusion includes a cacheNew() function with
similar functionality.">
<!--- this is what's configurable as of Ehcache 2.0 (CF 9.0.1). Only required
argument is Name --->
<cfargument name="name" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="maxElementsInMemory" type="numeric" default="10000">
<cfargument name="maxElementsOnDisk" type="numeric" default="10000000">
<cfargument name="memoryStoreEvictionPolicy" type="string" default="LRU">
<cfargument name="clearOnFlush" type="boolean" default="true">
<cfargument name="eternal" type="boolean" default="false">
<cfargument name="timeToIdleSeconds" type="numeric" default="86400">
<cfargument name="timeToLiveSeconds" type="numeric" default="86400">
<cfargument name="overflowToDisk" type="boolean" default="false">
<cfargument name="diskPersistent" type="boolean" default="false">
<cfargument name="diskSpoolBufferSizeMB" type="numeric" default="30">
<cfargument name="diskAccessStripes" type="numeric" default="1">
<cfargument name="diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds" type="numeric" default="120">
<!--- We need to do this in java because ColdFusion's cacheGetSession() returns
the underlying object for an EXISTING cache, not the generic cache manager --->
<cfset local.cacheManager = createObject('java', 'net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager').getInstance()>
<!--- constructor takes cache name and max elements in memory --->
<cfset local.cacheConfig = createObject("java", "net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration").init("", #arguments.maxElementsInMemory#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.maxElementsOnDisk(#arguments.maxElementsOnDisk#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.memoryStoreEvictionPolicy("#arguments.memoryStoreEvictionPolicy#")>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.clearOnFlush(#arguments.clearOnFlush#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.eternal(#arguments.eternal#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.timeToIdleSeconds(#arguments.timeToIdleSeconds#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.timeToLiveSeconds(#arguments.timeToLiveSeconds#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.overflowToDisk(#arguments.overflowToDisk#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.diskPersistent(#arguments.diskPersistent#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.diskSpoolBufferSizeMB(#arguments.diskSpoolBufferSizeMB#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.diskAccessStripes(#arguments.diskAccessStripes#)>
<cfset local.cacheConfig.diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds(#arguments.diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds#)>
<cfset local.cache = createObject("java", "net.sf.ehcache.Cache").init(local.cacheConfig)>
<cfset local.cacheManager.addCache(local.cache)>
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