– Common Function Library Project

SetFileAttribute(sFilePath, sAttribute, bOnOff)

Last updated September 27, 2001


Nate Weiss

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: FileSysLib

Function to set or clear a Windows file attribute (ReadOnly, Hidden, etc) for the specified file. This is essentially just a wrapper around the Scripting.FileSystemObject's File.Attribute property. It will work only on Windows systems.

Return Values:
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the attribute was set.


<CFSET x = SetFileAttribute("c:\winnt\notepad.exe", "Archive", "No")>

Was the attribute set? #YesNoFormat(x)#


Name Description Required
sFilePath Absolute or relative path to the specified file. Yes
sAttribute Attribute you wish to set. Options are: ReadOnly, Hidden, System, Archive. Yes
bOnOff Boolean value indicating whether the attribute should be on (Yes) or off (No). Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Function to set or clear a Windows file attribute (ReadOnly, Hidden, etc) for the specified file.
 * Uses COM. This is a Windows only funciton. Requires CFOBJECT be enabled in the CF Administrator.
 * @param sFilePath      Absolute or relative path to the specified file. 
 * @param sAttribute      Attribute you wish to set.  Options are: ReadOnly, Hidden, System, Archive. 
 * @param bOnOff      Boolean value indicating whether the attribute should be on (Yes) or off (No). 
 * @return Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the attribute was set. 
 * @author Nate Weiss ( 
 * @version 1, September 27, 2001 
function SetFileAttribute(sFilePath, sAttribute, bOnOff) {
   var result = False;
   var fso = 0;
   var f = 0;
   var iListPosition = 0;
   var iFlagPosition = 0;
   if ( FileExists(sFilePath) ) {
     fso = CreateObject("COM", "Scripting.FileSystemObject");
     f = fso.GetFile(sFilePath);
     iListPosition = ListFindNoCase("ReadOnly,Hidden,System,Archive", sAttribute);
     if (iListPosition GT 0) {
       iFlagPosition = ListGetAt("0,1,2,5", iListPosition);
       f.attributes = BitMaskSet(f.attributes, IIF(bOnOff, 1, 0), iFlagPosition, 1);
       result = True;
   return result;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson