– Common Function Library Project

RowsToColumns(query, maxcolumns, actualColumnCountVarName)

Last updated March 11, 2010


Nathan Dintenfass

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: DataManipulationLib

Takes a query and transforms it to allow outputting for viewing in columns instead of rows. You specify the query you want to parse and the number of columns to put it into. For example, if you have output that looks like: <PRE> a b c d e f </PRE> you could output it as <PRE> a c e b d f </PRE> PLEASE NOTE: This function will put empty strings into cells that do not need filling, so if you have: <PRE> a d g b e h c f </PRE> The cell after "f" would contain empty values. This is done to allow consistent and easy outputting without needing to a lot of parsing after the tag is called. It is still up to you as a developer to do the work to put the output into the proper number of columns. For instance: <PRE> <cfset getUsers = rowsToColumns(yourQuery,4,"cols")> <table border="1"> <tr> <cfset counter = 0> <cfoutput query="GetUsers"> <cfset counter = counter + 1> <td>#LastName#, #FirstName#</td> <cfif counter is cols and counter is not getUsers.recordcount> </tr><tr> <cfset counter = 0> </cfif> </cfoutput> </tr> </table> </PRE>

Return Values:
Returns a query.


    Q = QueryNew("Name");

 <cfset new = rowsToColumns(Q,3,"cols")>
 <table border="1">
         <cfset counter = 0>
         <cfoutput query="new">
             <cfset counter = counter + 1>
             <cfif Counter is cols and counter is not new.recordcount>
                 <cfset counter = 0>


Name Description Required
query A ColdFusion query. Yes
maxcolumns The maximum number of columns. Yes
actualColumnCountVarName The name of the variable to set containing the actual number of columns created. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Transforms queries for displaying as columns instead of rows.
 * This UDF is based on the custom tag CF_RowsToColumns created by Nathan Dintenfass and Ben Archibald in February, 2000
 * @param query      A ColdFusion query. (Required)
 * @param maxcolumns      The maximum number of columns. (Required)
 * @param actualColumnCountVarName      The name of the variable to set containing the actual number of columns created. (Required)
 * @return Returns a query. 
 * @author Nathan Dintenfass ( 
 * @version 1, March 10, 2010 
function rowsToColumns(query,maxColumns,actualColumnCountVarName){
    //make an array of the columns in the incoming query for looping
    var columnArray = listToArray(query.columnlist);
    //make a new query to return based on the columns of the incoming query
    var newQuery = queryNew(query.columnlist);
    //figure out how many rows there will be
    var rows = ceiling(query.recordcount/maxColumns);
    //set up a var to count row we are on
    var onRow = 1;
    //set up a var to count the column we are on
    var onColumn = 0;
    //set up a var to hold the row we want to grab
    var getRow = 0;
    //set up a var to index the outer loop
    var ii = 1;
    //set up a var to index the inner loop
    var zz = 1;
    //if there will be extra columns, make sure no more columns than necessary.  this is necessary to ensure that if you ask for more columns than there are records to fill you know how many there really are!!
    if(ceiling(query.recordcount/rows) LT maxColumns)
        maxColumns = ceiling(query.recordcount/rows);
    //starting on row 1, loop through the recordcount of the original query, putting rows in the new query                    
    for(ii = 1; ii lte evaluate(rows * maxColumns); ii = ii + 1){
        //increment the column we are now on
        onColumn = onColumn + 1;
        //get the proper row from the original query
        getRow = ((onColumn - 1) * rows) + onRow;
        //now add a row to the newQuery
        //loop through the columns, putting the cells into the newQuery
        for(zz = 1; zz lte arraylen(columnArray); zz = zz + 1){
            //if the row we want is lower than than the recordcount, put in the value
            if(getRow LTE query.recordcount)
            //otherwise, just set it to a blank string
        //if the column we are on is the same as the maxColumns, reset the column we are on and increment the row
        if(onColumn EQ maxColumns){
            onColumn = 0;
            onRow = onRow + 1;
    //set the variable for the number of columns!
    //return the new query
    return newQuery;                


Latest Additions

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November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

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April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson