Last updated November 29, 2001
Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: SecurityLib
Produces a 128-bit condensed representation (message digest) of a message using the RSA MD5 algorithm. See RFC 1321 ( for more information.
Original custom tag code by Tim McCarthy ( - 2/2001
Return Values:
Returns a string.
<CFSET message="This is a test">
Given message=#message#
The MD5 message digest is: #MD5(message)#
Name | Description | Required |
message | Text you want to hash. | Yes |
Full UDF Source:
* Produces a 128-bit condensed representation (message digest) of a message using the RSA MD5 algorithm.
* Original custom tag code by Tim McCarthy ( - 2/2001
* @param message Text you want to hash.
* @return Returns a string.
* @author Rob Brooks-Bilson (
* @version 1, November 29, 2001
function MD5(message)
Var hex_msg = "";
Var hex_msg_len = 0;
Var padded_hex_msg = "";
Var temp = "";
Var var1 = ArrayNew(1);
Var f = 0;
Var h = ArrayNew(1);
Var i = 0;
Var j = 0;
Var k = ArrayNew(1);
Var m = ArrayNew(1);
Var n = 0;
Var s = ArrayNew(1);
Var t = ArrayNew(1);
// convert the msg to ASCII binary-coded form
for (i=1; i LTE Len(message); i=i+1) {
hex_msg = hex_msg & Right("0"&FormatBaseN(Asc(Mid(message,i,1)),16),2);
// compute the msg length in bits
hex_msg_len = Right(RepeatString("0",15)&FormatBaseN(8*Len(message),16),16);
for (i=1; i LTE 8; i=i+1) {
temp = temp & Mid(hex_msg_len,-2*(i-8)+1,2);
hex_msg_len = temp;
// pad the msg to make it a multiple of 512 bits long
padded_hex_msg = hex_msg & "80" & RepeatString("0",128-((Len(hex_msg)+2+16) Mod 128)) & hex_msg_len;
// initialize MD buffer
h[1] = InputBaseN("0x67452301",16);
h[2] = InputBaseN("0xefcdab89",16);
h[3] = InputBaseN("0x98badcfe",16);
h[4] = InputBaseN("0x10325476",16);
var1[1] = "a";
var1[2] = "b";
var1[3] = "c";
var1[4] = "d";
// look at my crazy nested if action - courtesy of no elseif statement!
for (i=1; i LTE 64; i=i+1) {
t[i] = Int(2^32*abs(sin(i)));
if (i LE 16){
if (i EQ 1){
k[i] = 0;
else {
k[i] = k[i-1] + 1;
s[i] = 5*((i-1) MOD 4) + 7;
else {
if (i LE 32) {
if (i EQ 17) {
k[i] = 1;
else {
k[i] = (k[i-1]+5) MOD 16;
s[i] = 0.5*((i-1) MOD 4)*((i-1) MOD 4) + 3.5*((i-1) MOD 4) + 5;
else {
if(i LE 48) {
if (i EQ 33) {
k[i] = 5;
else {
k[i] = (k[i-1]+3) MOD 16;
s[i] = 6*((i-1) MOD 4) + ((i-1) MOD 2) + 4;
else {
if (i EQ 49) {
k[i] = 0;
else {
k[i] = (k[i-1]+7) MOD 16;
s[i] = 0.5*((i-1) MOD 4)*((i-1) MOD 4) + 3.5*((i-1) MOD 4) + 6;
// process the msg 512 bits at a time
for (n=1; n LTE Evaluate(Len(padded_hex_msg)/128); n=n+1) {
a = h[1];
b = h[2];
c = h[3];
d = h[4];
msg_block = Mid(padded_hex_msg,128*(n-1)+1,128);
for (i=1; i LTE 16; i=i+1) {
sub_block = "";
for (j=1; j LTE 4; j=j+1) {
sub_block = sub_block & Mid(msg_block,8*i-2*j+1,2);
m[i] = InputBaseN(sub_block,16);
for (i=1; i LTE 64; i=i+1) {
if (i LE 16) {
f = BitOr(BitAnd(Evaluate(var1[2]),Evaluate(var1[3])),BitAnd(BitNot(Evaluate(var1[2])),Evaluate(var1[4])));
else {
if (i LE 32) {
f = BitOr(BitAnd(Evaluate(var1[2]),Evaluate(var1[4])),BitAnd(Evaluate(var1[3]),BitNot(Evaluate(var1[4]))));
else {
if (i LE 48) {
f = BitXor(BitXor(Evaluate(var1[2]),Evaluate(var1[3])),Evaluate(var1[4]));
else {
f = BitXor(Evaluate(var1[3]),BitOr(Evaluate(var1[2]),BitNot(Evaluate(var1[4]))));
temp = Evaluate(var1[1]) + f + m[k[i]+1] + t[i];
while ((temp LT -2^31) OR (temp GE 2^31)) {
temp = temp - Sgn(temp)*2^32;
temp = Evaluate(var1[2]) + BitOr(BitSHLN(temp,s[i]),BitSHRN(temp,32-s[i]));
while ((temp LT -2^31) OR (temp GE 2^31)) {
temp = temp - Sgn(temp)*2^32;
temp = SetVariable(var1[1],temp);
temp = var1[4];
var1[4] = var1[3];
var1[3] = var1[2];
var1[2] = var1[1];
var1[1] = temp;
h[1] = h[1] + a;
h[2] = h[2] + b;
h[3] = h[3] + c;
h[4] = h[4] + d;
for (i=1; i LTE 4; i=i+1) {
while ((h[i] LT -2^31) OR (h[i] GE 2^31)) {
h[i] = h[i] - Sgn(h[i])*2^32;
for (i=1; i LTE 4; i=i+1) {
h[i] = Right(RepeatString("0",7)&UCase(FormatBaseN(h[i],16)),8);
for (i=1; i LTE 4; i=i+1) {
temp = "";
for (j=1; j LTE 4; j=j+1) {
temp = temp & Mid(h[i],-2*(j-4)+1,2);
h[i] = temp;
Return h[1] & h[2] & h[3] & h[4];
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