– Common Function Library Project

ListMid(list, startPos, numElements[, delimiter])

Last updated April 11, 2002


Rob Brooks-Bilson

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

A Mid() function for lists. Returns n elements starting at the specified start position. Accepts an optional delimiter. Note that if the number of elements to return is greater than the number of elements in the list, the UDF simply returns all elements.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


<CFSET List="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10">
<CFSET List2="a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h">

#ListMid(List, 3, 5)#<BR>
#ListMid(List, 3, 99)#<BR>
#ListMid(List2, 2, 16, ";")#<BR>


Name Description Required
list List you want to return the elements from. Yes
startPos Starting position in the list to begin returning from. Yes
numElements Number of elements you want returned. Yes
delimiter Delimiter for the list. Default is the comma. No

Full UDF Source:

 * A Mid() function for lists.  Returns n elements starting at the specified start position.
 * 3/25/02: Removed a line of extraneous code.
 * 4/11/02: Fixed problem with going past end of list.
 * @param list      List you want to return the elements from. 
 * @param startPos      Starting position in the list to begin returning from. 
 * @param numElements      Number of elements you want returned. 
 * @param delimiter      Delimiter for the list.  Default is the comma. 
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Rob Brooks-Bilson ( 
 * @version 1.1, April 11, 2002 
function ListMid(list, startPos, numElements){
  var tempList="";
  var i=0;
  var delimiter=",";
  var finish = startPos+numElements;
  if (ArrayLen(arguments) gt 3)
    delimiter = arguments[4];
  if (startPos+numElements gt ListLen(list, delimiter))
    finish = ListLen(list, delimiter)+1;
  for (i=startPos; i LT finish; i=i+1){
    tempList=ListAppend(tempList, ListGetAt(list, i, delimiter), delimiter);
  return tempList;


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson