– Common Function Library Project

Highlight(string, word[, front][, back][, matchCase])

Last updated June 12, 2003


Dave Forrest

Version: 2 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

This function applies a highlight to a word in a string. For example, you can use this to highlight search terms in the search results.

Return Values:
Returns a string.


This is a Test of the National Broadcasting System. If this had been a real emergency, most
likely you would already be dead by now. Please do not call us, we will call you. If you would
like to foo the foo, please send a check and two thousand dollars in hotdogs to the solution
provided by the manual. We don't test everything, just the things we test. Please leave your
shoes by the front door. I have a child and I have children in my home.

Version 1, default settings.<BR>
Version 2, changed highlight options to a red bold background.<BR>
#highLight(String,"test","<span style=""background-color: red; font-weight: bold;"">","</span>")#
Version 3, case sensitive highlight on Test.<BR>
#highLight(String,"Test","<span style=""background-color: red; font-weight: bold;"">","</span>",1)#
Illustratures using regex to match child, not child inside children.<br>



Name Description Required
string The string to format. Yes
word The word to highlight. Yes
front This is the HTML that will be placed in front of the highlighted match. It defaults to No
back This is the HTML that will be placed at the end of the highlighted match. Defaults to No
matchCase If true, the highlight will only match when the case is the same. Defaults to false. No

Full UDF Source:

 * Applies a simple highlight to a word in a string.
 * Original version by Raymond Camden.
 * @param string      The string to format. (Required)
 * @param word      The word to highlight. (Required)
 * @param front      This is the HTML that will be placed in front of the highlighted match. It defaults to <span style= (Optional)
 * @param back      This is the HTML that will be placed at the end of the highlighted match. Defaults to </span> (Optional)
 * @param matchCase      If true, the highlight will only match when the case is the same. Defaults to false. (Optional)
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Dave Forrest ( 
 * @version 2, June 12, 2003 
function highLight(source,lookfor) {
    var tmpOn       = "[;;^";
    var tmpOff      = "^;;]";
    var hilightitem    = "<SPAN STYLE=""background-color:yellow;"">";
    var endhilight  = "</SPAN>";
    var matchCase   = false;
    var obracket    = "";
    var tmps        = "";
    var stripperRE  = "";
    var badTag        = "";
    var nextStart    = "";
    if(ArrayLen(arguments) GTE 3) hilightitem = arguments[3];
    if(ArrayLen(arguments) GTE 4) endhilight  = arguments[4];
    if(ArrayLen(arguments) GTE 5) matchCase   = arguments[5];
    if(NOT matchCase)     source = REReplaceNoCase(source,"(#lookfor#)","#tmpOn#\1#tmpOff#","ALL");
    else                 source = REReplace(source,"(#lookfor#)","#tmpOn#\1#tmpOff#","ALL");
    obracket   = find("<",source);
    stripperRE = "<.[^>]*>";    
        badTag = REFindNoCase(stripperRE,source,obracket,1);
            tmps       = Replace(Mid(source,badtag.pos[1],badtag.len[1]),"#tmpOn#","","ALL");
            source       = Replace(source,Mid(source,badtag.pos[1],badtag.len[1]),tmps,"ALL");
            tmps       = Replace(Mid(source,badtag.pos[1],badtag.len[1]),"#tmpOff#","","ALL");
            source       = Replace(source,Mid(source,badtag.pos[1],badtag.len[1]),tmps,"ALL");
            nextStart = badTag.pos[1] + badTag.len[1];
        else nextStart = obracket + 1;
        obracket = find("<",source,nextStart);
    source = Replace(source,tmpOn,hilightitem,"ALL");
    source = Replace(source,tmpOff,endhilight,"ALL");
    return source;


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November 04, 2017

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Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson