– Common Function Library Project


Last updated February 22, 2002


Shawn Seley

Version: 1 | Requires: CF5 | Library: StrLib

Returns the path (minus the file name) for the passed URL. If no path is found, then returns an empty string. Works with any protocol that follows the standard "/path/" syntax include http, ftp, and others. Relative and absolute URLs are accepted. The last "/" character can be implied, but the final component name must not have any dots (".") or it will be considered a file name (see GetFileFromURL).

Return Values:
Returns a string.




Name Description Required
this_url URL to parse. Yes

Full UDF Source:

 * Returns the path from a specified URL.
 * @param this_url      URL to parse. 
 * @return Returns a string. 
 * @author Shawn Seley ( 
 * @version 1, February 21, 2002 
function GetPathFromURL(this_url) {
    var first_char        = "";
    var re_found_struct   = "";
    var path              = "";
    var i                 = 0;
    var cnt               = 0;
    this_url = trim(this_url);
    first_char = Left(this_url, 1);
    if (Find(first_char, "./")) {
        // relative URL (ex: "../dir1/filename.html" or "/dir1/filename.html")
        re_found_struct = REFind("[^##\?]+", this_url, 1, "True");
    } else if(Find("://", this_url)){
        // absolute URL    (ex: "")
        re_found_struct = REFind("/[^##\?]*", this_url, Find("://", this_url)+3, "True");
    } else {
        // abbreviated URL (ex: "")
        re_found_struct = REFind("/[^##\?]*", this_url, 1, "True");
    if (re_found_struct.pos[1] GT 0)  {
        // get path with filename (if exists)
        path = Mid(this_url, re_found_struct.pos[1], re_found_struct.len[1]);
        // chop off the filename
         if(find("/", path)) {
            i = len(path) - find("/" ,reverse(path)) +1;
            cnt = len(path) -i;
            if (cnt LT 1) cnt =1;
            if (REFind("[^##\?]+\.[^##\?]+", Right(path, cnt))){
                // if the part after the last slash is a file name then chop it off
                path = Left(path, i);
        return path;
    } else {
        return "";


Latest Additions

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November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

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May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson