– Common Function Library Project

FileNamesLowerCase(directory[, recurseDirectory][, excludeList])

Last updated October 15, 2002


Nathan Dintenfass

Version: 1 | Requires: CF6 | Library: FileSysLib

This UDF is a quick way to make all the files in a particular directory (or directory tree, optionally) lower case. It was originally built for a project that needed to move from Windows to *nix and needed to make all custom tags lower cased. You can also put in a list of files to exclude.

Return Values:
Returns nothing.




Name Description Required
directory Directory to begin renaming files in. Yes
recurseDirectory If true, UDF will recurse into subdirectories. Defaults to false. No
excludeList List of files to ignore. Defaults to nothing. No

Full UDF Source:

 Makes all files in a directory lower case.
 @param directory      Directory to begin renaming files in. (Required)
 @param recurseDirectory      If true, UDF will recurse into subdirectories. Defaults to false. (Optional)
 @param excludeList      List of files to ignore. Defaults to nothing. (Optional)
 @return Returns nothing. 
 @author Nathan Dintenfass ( 
 @version 1, October 15, 2002 
<cffunction name="fileNamesLowerCase" output="no" returnType="void">
    <!--- the directory to lower case the files in --->
    <cfargument name="directory" required="yes" type="string">
    <!--- shall we recurse down the directory tree?  By default, no. --->
    <cfargument name="recurseDirectories" required="no" default="FALSE" type="boolean">
    <!--- list of files to exclude --->
    <cfargument name="excludeList" required="no" type="string" default="">
    <!--- a variable to hold the directoryList --->
    <cfset var directoryList = "">
    <!--- by default, use a Windows style slash --->
    <cfset var slash = "\">
    <!--- make sure this directory exists --->
    <cfif NOT directoryExists(>
        <cfthrow message="Directory does not exist" detail="The directory path does not exist">
    <!--- if this not windows, use a *nix style slash --->
    <cfif DOES NOT CONTAIN "Windows">
        <cfset slash = "/">
    <!--- now make sure the directory path ends in a slash --->
    <cfif right(,1) IS NOT slash>
        <cfset = & slash>
    <!--- read the contents of this directory --->
    <cfdirectory action="list" directory="" name="directoryList">
    <!--- loop through the contents of this directory, making it lower case --->
    <cfloop query="directoryList">
        <!--- if this is a file, rename it to whatever it is, lower-cased --->
        <cfif NOT compare(type,"File") AND NOT listFindNoCase(arguments.excludeList,name)>
            <cffile action="rename" source="" destination="">
        <!--- if this a directory, and we are recursing, call this function again --->
        <cfelseif NOT compare(type,"Dir") AND arguments.recurseDirectories>
            <cfset fileNamesLowerCase( & name,1,arguments.excludeList)>


Latest Additions

Raymond Camden added
November 04, 2017

Leigh added
May 11, 2016

Raymond Camden added
May 10, 2016

Kevin Cotton added
May 05, 2016

Raymond Camden added
April 25, 2016

Created by Raymond Camden / Design by Justin Johnson